• Galatians 5:22-23: This message is especially important to the saved Christian. The FRUIT, referred to throughout this message, is this.

  • Today, too many Christian believers go on about their daily business as if there is no God ... as if God didn't make a difference in their life. They have no concern if other Christians are saved or not and could care less when they walk by one. Rather, we should be happy and in greetings when we pass a fellow Christian.

  • The time will come when we stand before the Judgment seat of God for an accounting of all the fruitfulness/less of our life. We will be judged according to the New Testament directives that we are accountable for.

  • John 15:6: Certain trees are meant as firewood. Fruit bearing trees are not. For example, the purpose of the apple tree is not to produce leaves but bear sweet, juicy, good apples.

  • WHO BEARS FRUIT? Every branch on the vine--every one of us.

  • WHERE TO WEAR BEAR FRUIT? Exactly where GOD's planted us (in the physical location we're in now) ... and not just there. For when we move, we still continue and don't stop bearing fruit. Perhaps you don't like where you live now but consider that you're here for a spiritual reason.

  • Psalm 1:1-2: The LORD is pleased when we read our bibles daily.

  • Psalm 1:3: "his leaf also shall not wither" means you can rest even when you're not bearing fruit. There's a certain time of the year to plant apples, watermelons, YOU ... and it has to be in your specific season.

  • If we bring forth fruit:
  • If we don't bring forth fruit:
  • God expects every one of us--every branch--to bear fruit.